
(English follows Japanese)

丸山 桂(まるやま けい)

プロデューサー / 作曲・編曲家 / キーボードプレイヤー

4歳でクラシックピアノを始める。早稲田大学在学中に音楽家としてのキャリアをスタートする。同時に音楽学校にも在籍、ジャズピアノ、編曲および音楽理論を学ぶ。在学中にバンド「宮尾すすむと日本の社長」に参加、「LIVE AT THE APOLLO」 (Epic)ほかをリリース。


Takuya Kusajimaのソロプロジェクト「Interselector」に参加。作曲、編曲、キーボードを担当した「The Piano Live」(ARTIMAGE)がクラブシーンでヒット。「株式会社マッチファインダー」を設立し、日本最大のレコードショッピングサイト「SOUND FINDER」を立ち上げる。バンド「YOU-DIE!!! & ザ・リーゼンツ」で伝説のロックバー「レッドシューズ」にレギュラー出演。





Producer / Composer / Arranger / Keyboard Player

Started playing classical piano at the age of 4. He started his career as a musician while studying at Waseda University. At the same time, he also enrolled in the music school, where he studied jazz piano, arranging, and music theory. While a student, he joined the band "Miyao Susumu to Nippon no Shacho" and released "LIVE AT THE APOLLO" (Epic) and others.

After graduating from university, while working for a consulting firm, he started the band "CHAINS", which made its major debut with "Hiyomimi Scope" (Columbia).

Joined Takuya Kusajima's solo project "Interselector. The Piano Live" (ARTIMAGE), for which he composed, arranged, and played keyboards, was a hit in the club scene. Established "Matchfinder Inc." and launched Japan's largest record shopping site "SOUND FINDER". He is a member of the band "YOU-DIE!!! & The Regents" and made regular appearances at the legendary rock bar "Red Shoes.

Studied music theory at jazz musician Naruyoshi Kikuchi's private school "Conservatoire de Manchot" and completed the doctoral course. Formed the producer team "MCKSNY".

He is a grandmaster of the Fujimoto style of shamisen. His stage name is Fujimoto Hidenagimaru.

Currently devotes himself to performing and producing activities around music, including sound production for singer-songwriter Ayane Yamazaki.

Regent Works Playlist

Related Links

CHAINS official website

MCKNSY website